Saturday, February 6, 2010

21 weeks today. The great news about 21 weeks is that I'm more than halfway through this pregnancy (I've never counted down so meticulously before). Workouts are starting to tire me out, although they are good for my mental health. I try to swim three days a week, but I'm only swimming for about 30 minutes, covering 1000 yards or so. I still try for boot camp two days per week, but I skip the extra cardio and the challenges.

Showers are predicted for Tuesday and Thursday this week. That means I may miss one or both boot camp sessions. Suggested replacement workout is as follows:

  • Wall sit
  • 20 lunges
  • 20 tricep dips
  • 20 push-ups
  • side and center plank
Repeat 3-4 times, alternating lunge variety. Stretch after.