Saturday, January 29, 2011

Rode the bicycle today, over to Caldecott field. It's only about 7 miles round trip, on the bike route, but it's pretty hilly, especially the first bit, leaving my house. Took me 40 minutes, which I guess I should feel good about, since Google Maps says it should take 54 minutes.

I should do the previously mentioned run strong moves, as I return to running tomorrow.

Run Strong Moves

Strengthening (2 sets of 10-15 reps)
  1. One-legged squats
  2. Lift and Press. Stand 3 to 4 feet away from a tree or wall. Keeping legs straight, lean forward and place palms on tree at chest height. (If you don't feel your calves stretch, walk feet back a few inches and press heels down.) Pull right knee toward chest, then press leg behind you, pushing back and up through right heel and squeezing glutes.
  3.  Hip dip
  4. Plank (30 seconds)
  5. Side leg lift
Stretching (hold for 30 seconds each side)
  1. Hamstring stretch
  2. Calf stretch
  3. Cross legged side stretch
  4. Child's pose
  5. Quad stretch

Monday, January 17, 2011

4.7 mile bike ride through Piedmont and up Moraga Avenue, then back home (this makes it downhill as I head home). Less than half and hour.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Exactly 4 miles. 50 minutes. That's a 12.5 minute mile, which stinks if you're running, but for walking on hills, that's okay.